10 Simple Creative Hobbies You Should Try Out
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash
Whether you think you’re creative or not creative, I think every one of us is creative. We are humans—we create.
I think a lot of times we see creative and we think painting or sculpture—art. When we think art, a lot of people don’t see themselves are artists or don’t think they have those artistic skills. But ultimately, being creative is simply creating.
Today I want to share 10 simple creative things you can do and try out!
Write a poem or a song: A poem and a song are 2 very different things, but I think they use the same parts of your brain because of the way these two things are written. If you play an instrument, write a song. If you don’t, write a poem. Really spend time choosing the right words, the right rhythm.
Color a page in a coloring book: This activity is quite relaxing for me. I find that it helps me to think about a vision or image wihtout me actually consciencely thinking about it. Coloring abook also helps you to—well, use color and think about what you want the end photo to look like.
Art journal/bullet journal: Decorate your weekly planner or print out a bullet page and draw out your weekly planner. If you don’t want to draw out your week, reflect on your week. Try collaging different photos and memories together to create an art page.
Photography: Go out and take photos. Take still-life photos, take photos of people walking by, ask a friend to model, take landscape photos. Photography is great because it really helps you to think about what you’re seeing and therefore capturing. You don’t need a fancy dslr camera to do this. Your phone camera is a great place to start.
Upcycle something/DIY: If you have nothing to upcycle, try an easy DIY activity you can do—like an easy home décor DIY. If you have things you no longer need soup cans or glass jars—see what you can make them into—paint them, write pretty things on them, then use them as décor. Your options are limitless.
Sew a pillow or blanket: Don’t let this option freak you out. A small sewing project is not going to hurt anyone. In fact, it might make you go on a sewing binge and the next you know, you have blankets and pillows everywhere. There are also non-sewing options available online for those who don’t have a sewing machine.
Knit/Crochet a scarf or hat: I’ve gone through phases where I’d just knit or crochet everyday. It’s so cool to see a piece of yarn come together to create a hat or a scarf or mittens or even blankets. This is an affordable and easy option.
Cook & create a high-end plate: I don’t think of food as creative, but food is definitely creative. You’re putting together spices and vegetables and meat and carbs to create this fusion of goodness. On top of cooking something, put it on a plate and make it look fancy. If you want to go the extra mile, set up your table nicely too and add wine.
Sketch/Draw a portrait: A lot of people think they’re not good drawers. I think that’s just because they can’t draw what they’re thinking. For this, find a photo of a person or of an animal and imitate exactly what you see—don’t draw what you think you see, draw what you actually see. This is a great way to improve your drawing skills a lot!
Paint a still-life photo or landscape: I saw still-life or landscape because they’re the simplest things to paint. Feel free to use acrylic, watercolor, spray paint, gouache—whatever you want to try to learn or already am comfortable using.
And those are my 10 simple creative endeavors you should try out. You never know, these might lead you into a path you never thought you’d go! Plus, they’re just great things to do when you need to escape work life or the everyday mundane.
What are other creative things you like to do? Comment them below!
~Sincerely, Mainou
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