4 Marriage Podcasts


I enjoy listening to marriage podcasts. I use to listen to it a lot. Now, I listen to them from time to time.

Even though I’m not in a season for marriage, I still get a lot from listening to these podcasts.

While there are specific things that will only apply to married people, there are a ton of things that are applicable to any believer. These marriage podcasts has helped me to learn, unlearn, relearn what it means to pursue God, to put Him first, to be a woman after God’s heart. They’ve helped me to realize that I need a lot of help to be a better communicator. They challenged me to stop looking at other people’s sin and reflect on my own. And so much more.

With that said, whether you’re married or not, here are some podcasts I think you might enjoy.

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The Naked Marriage Podcast | Dave & Ashley

I especially like this podcast because the episodes are shorter—each is around 25-30 minutes long. I also like how Dave & Ashley not only provides biblical references but also tangible advice. I do skip over some of their episodes that clearly doesn’t apply to me at this time, but there are also a lot of other episodes that I think applies to any Christian.

One of my few favorite episodes:

Fierce Marriage | Ryan & Selena

This was the very first marriage podcast I subscribed to about a year and a half ago. Each episode is about 45-50 minutes long, but the content is transparent and gospel-centered. I think a lot of the content in this podcast show can apply to all Christians. Ryan and Selena discusses about communication, prayer, forgiveness, dating, hurtful words to remove from your vocabulary, worship and so on. While they do talk about marriage, the overarching theme is becoming more like Christ.

Few of my favorite episodes:

Famous at Home | Dr. Josh & Christi

This show is more family oriented, so marriage and being parents, but I still find practical advice from them. They interview guest speakers as well as just having their own discussions. Something I really got out of this show is what it means to provide emotional safety to others. This is a also great show if you’re a parent!

One of my few favorite episodes:

Marriage After God | Aaron & Jennifer

I’ve read their books and am a huge fan. The podcast is an extension of their marriage ministry. The topics and discussions are Biblical and Gospel-centered. I find their episodes encouraging. A lot of the topics discussed are applicable to all Christians, not just marriage, which I find helpful.

I hope you check these out! Highly recommend if you’re married or engaged. But even if you’re not, a lot of the content is still applicable because it’s about how we can be more like Christ and reflect Him.

Check out my list of other podcasts to listen to here: 5 Faith-based Podcasts for Women

Thank you for reading.

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