Simple Ways to Save Money When Living on Your Own


When you live on your own, saving money is something you might want to consider doing. Because if you can save a few dollars here and there, why not? The thing about saving money is it doesn’t have to be difficult. It can actually quite simple. Here are 8 simple things you can do to help you save money when you live on your own.

Water filter

If your apartment has a water filteration system installed for drinking water, that’s wonderful. But if it doesn’t, I suggest getting a water filter system. There are different options available nowadays. A popular one is the water pitcher filter. (Another option available). A more sustainable one is charcoal filter. Both option will help you save because you don’t need to buy bottled water every so often. When you live on your own, every penny counts. 

Make your own coffee

Coffee can add up. Making your own coffee at home will help you save money. As someone who drinks coffee on the daily, making coffee at home has definitely helped me save. There are also different ways you can make coffee at home depending on your preference.

turn off lights in rooms unattended

If electricity is not included in your rent, I suggest being conscious when using it. Turning off lights in unattended rooms or unplugging unused electronics. Little things like that can help.

turn off water/limit your usage of water

If you have to pay for water, similar to the tip above, turn off the running water when you’re not using—especially when brushing your teeth or washing your face. If possible, learn to take faster showers. Use water when you need to, but don’t let it run unattended. This will help in the long run. 

Paperless (take out paper towels for hand/cotton towels)

Having hand towels will help in the long run. They are reusable and can be used in various different situations. You can clean with them and dry dishes. Even use them as substitute for oven gloves if you don’t have oven gloves. Having cloth napkins is an extra step to take if you use a lot of paper napkins. Not only are these options more sustainable, but they are reusable which prevents you from constantly buying more things.

Cook at home/Eat at home

This is a big one. I find that when I buy groceries and eat at home, I save a lot more that month compare to the months where I eat out more often. If you don’t know how to cook, now is the time to learn! There are so many options available to help you learn: youtube, blogs, social media. Start with simple dishes and move on from there. Cooking at home will be a huge money saver. 

Shop less for things you don’t need: clothes, shoes, makeup, hobbies

Shopping less in general, especially for nonessential items. It’s okay to treat yourself once in a while, but the less you shop, the less money you will use. One way that has helped me to shop less is to unsubscribe from brands email lists. Eventually, you’ll get to a point where even if you do see a good sale, you don’t have the urge to buy. Not shopping for these items have helped me save a lot. It has also helped me to reevaluate my wardrobe, make, and skincare usage, which is a good thing. 

Reuse glass jars

When you buy sauce or fermented foods or other food that comes in glass jars, reuse those glass jars. They can be used as storage for nuts, flour, or pasta. You can also use them as planters or cups. They can even be used as vases or home décor or other storage purposes. Glass jars are great for repurposing. 

There are many other things you can do to help you save. I hope these 8 simple ways will be helpful for you. I know they’ve been helpful for me. In addition to these I would suggest actually create a saving fund and add money to it consistently.

It’s important to evaluate your life style and consider what you want, what you need, what you can compromise and what you can’t. Because we are all different and require different things, it’s important to look at your lifestyle holistically then deciding on what you can or can’t do so you can start saving more money.