5 Life-Lessons I learned from Hiking

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Hiking is an activity I enjoy doing. I like going on walks and I love nature and hiking consists of both those things. Last summer I went on a lot of different hiking trails. Every hike that I went on was beautiful in its own way. As I hiked more and more, I found myself wanting to hike longer trails, more adventurous trails. But I also found myself learning a lot about life as I reflect on my hiking experiences.

Here are a few things I learned from hiking:

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Enjoy the journey/Take your Time:

Hiking is most fulfilling when you take your time and enjoy the journey. One of the best hikes I’ve ever gone on thus far was in Etes Park, Colorado. It was breathtaking in every way, and I’m so grateful I experienced it. When you take your time you also get to see the beautiful things along the journey—like the way the rocks form, the different trees, rivers, and views. It’s these things that make a hike so much more worth it.

And in life, sometimes we have to take our time to enjoy the journey. Because we will get to where we are going, but if we take our time and enjoy the things we go through, the destination will be that much more worth it and beautiful.


You can plan but you won’t know until you’re doing it:

I’m someone who likes to know what she’s getting herself into. So with all the hikes I’ve gone on (with the exception of hikes planned by others), I always plan. How long is the trail? Is it easy, moderate, or difficult? Is it rocky or flat? I go into a hike knowing what to expect. But even though I can plan as much as I can, I won’t know what it’s like until I’m actually on the hike itself.

And in life, we can plan as much as we want or we need, but we won’t actually know until we are in it or doing it. Don’t let the planning (or research) process stop you from doing something. Because even if the trail may be labeled as difficult and rocky—it can be the most beautiful and enjoyable hike of your life. 

You don’t have to go alone:

Hikes are almost always better with others. You get to laugh and struggle together. It’s also more fun because you each notice different things, and you get to see things you may have otherwise missed. And I think life is often like that. We are on our own journeys and we walk by ourselves in this life, but we don’t have to be on this journey alone. Friends and people around us can make this life journey enjoyable or eye-opening as we go together. We get to laugh together, cry together, and struggle together.  

It’s okay to rest:

Some hikes can be long and challenging, you may have to rest, drink some water, take a breather before carrying on. Sometimes it’s okay to rest and just enjoy a beautiful view. And in life, it’s okay to rest too. I think sometimes we feel like we have to just keep walking on even though we are drained or tired (physically or mentally). But that’s not the case. We’re allowed to rest. If you need a break, then rest. It’s okay to rest your mind, it’s okay to take a break from your work. It’s okay to even rest from work to simply enjoy something else. It’s the resting that will give us more strength to keep going. 

It’s not always smooth & safe sailing:

Even with the right planning and with the right people, a hike can still not go as planned. The weather can change, a trail can be closed due to other unseen circumstances, or other hikers could cause commotion—you just never know. You just have to be adaptable for whatever trouble may come up. Much like life, it won’t always be smooth or safe sailing. Interruptions and detours are a part of life—and they’re not fun because they ruin our plans, but even then, we have to be adaptable to change and interruptions. 

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Those are 5 things I’ve learned from hiking. I enjoy hiking a lot. One my goals is to go backpacking this year or hike up a mountain! Here’s to hoping it comes true. I especially enjoy hiking because I love the view and being in nature. It’s also a way to challenge myself, that even when I don’t feel like it anymore, to keep going and persevering. 


Do you enjoy hiking? What are some of your favorite hiking trails?