5 Things to Know to Achieve Your Dreams
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
We all have goals and dreams. Some goals are more concrete while others are more abstract. Some goals are smaller while others are bigger. No matter the size or shape of your goals, you can achieve them.
Don’t minimize the size of your goals just because someone else’s look different. Here’s a blog about 4 things to remember when you’re comparing yourself to someone else. Remember to celebrate every small milestone and the everyday wins. These small victories are what’s going to push your through until you reach your big/dream goal. If you’re looking for tangible tips and steps, check out our blog about How to Achieve Your Goals.
Today, I want to share with you 5 things you should know about and remember, that will help you achieve your goals and your dreams.
Starting is the first most difficult step
Starting, I find, is always the most difficult step. I procrastinate. I make excuses. I stress over the journey. I overthink. I do everything and think everything instead of just actually starting. Don’t let this first step trip you or stop you. You can overcome all the procrastination and excuses!
Sometimes, the things in our head is way more difficult and stressful than the actual things we have to do. Don’t wait any longer. Don’t wait until you have everything figured out, because learning, growing, and adapting is part of the process. (And you won’t ever have everything figured out).
Create tangible tasks and actually do them
Creating to-do tasks is very important. Because we can all dream, we all have goals, but to actually achieve them we need to do the work. If you want to be a singer, you’re going to have to take vocal lessons, maybe sing different genres, sing at coffee shops or sign-up for singing competitions—tangible tasks.
The tasks may change as you learn and move forward. You can’t plan everything you have to do from the beginning. You can create a tentative task list, but you’ll find that you will have to add new tasks or take out tasks. And that’s okay, because you’re growing, adapting, learning, and being innovative.
Creating tangible tasks also helps to keep you accountable in reaching your goal because they’re tasks you know you have to do.
Discipline and Dedication
To achieve your goal, you will need discipline and dedication. For the goals you created for yourself, no one is going to tell you what you need to do—you are responsible for them.
You’re going to need to be disciplined to do the tasks you’ve set out for yourself. You’re going to need dedication to keep going, reminding yourself of your why.
Focus on one or two goals at a time
If you’re anything like me, you can have a lot of different goals at one given time. But over the years, I found that I’m most successful if I just focus on one or two goals at a time. This helps me to focus. I also find that I achieve the goals in a shorter amount of time which then helps me to move onto my next goals faster.
This is a method that has helped me a lot. I usually narrow my goals by what I think is most important, then proceed to creating tasks.
Be realistic
After all the goal writing and dreaming, it’s still important to be realistic about your tasks. For example, if you haven’t worked out in 3 years, you probably don’t want to start out by working out every single day.
Yes, you want to aim high to push yourself, but that high number should still be realistic. You are not out to let yourself down. You are out to achieve your goals. Every step should help move you forward.
And those are 5 things to know to achieve your goals. These are things to keep in mind as you start your journey to achieve your goals.
Keep in mind that goals can change because we, as humans, change. And sometimes life throws us curve balls that throws us off course. But even after that, you can pick yourself back up and start again.
If you’re not sure how to get started or you just want extra guidance in this department, we have a FREE How to Achieve your Goal guide for you. Just fill out the information below and you’ll be directed to your free guide!
This FREE guide is to help YOU achieve your goals. Having dreams and goals is just the beginning. Being intentionally in achieving them is next. This free guide can help you.
Here are also some journals I recommend to help you get started: Handmade journal from Novica, Polka dot Notebook, and Marble cover journal.
Here are some super cute pens I recommend as well: Gold and rose gold duo pens, Old and wise cane pens, and Set of 5 polka dot pens.
I hope you found this information helpful. Don't forget to share this post with a friend or pin this post!
Share with us some of the things you do when you want to achieve your goals, in the comments below.
~ Sincerely, mainou
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