When you live on your own, saving money is something you might want to consider doing. Because if you can save a few dollars here and there, why not?
Read MoreEven as someone who is hands on and proactive about doing things to achieve my goals, there are days where I need motivation…Here are some ways I have found that are effective for me in my work.
Read MoreI used to be a fashion blogger. While I had a lot of people who took photos for me, I also took a lot of photos by myself. Even now, I still take a lot of photos by myself. In fact, majority of my photos nowadays I take by myself.
Read MoreAs I hiked more and more, I found myself wanting to hike longer trails, more adventurous trails. But I also found myself learning a lot about life as I reflect on my hiking experiences.
Read MoreHaving house plants definitely makes a living space warmer and more homey. But through having house plants, I also learned a few things about life.
Read MoreI’ve been wanting to try solid shampoo and conditioner for a very long time now. When my sister gifted me these, I knew I had to try them and share my experience!
Read MoreHere are the products I’ve been using. I love every single one. They all work so seamlessly together. I know I will using these products for a while.
Read MoreThis summer was definitely a blessed-filled one. I had canceled plans due to the pandemic, but it was still one for the books. I’m just extremely grateful for everyone who was up for the adventures.
Read MoreI do think there are real benefits to journaling our thoughts & our emotions. It’s a great way to record & a great way to reflect.
Read MoreI intentionally bought pieces with different wood finishings and stains because I like the look of different woods together. I think it adds more charm to a place.
Read MoreIf we could see our lives the way we watch a movie, would it make us more empathetic towards the other person? Would it help us understand the situation better? Would it make us better people?
Read MoreLately, I’ve been listening to different songs to fill up the driving time. I used to be a huge podcast on your commute person, but lately music has just been what my soul needs before I start my day.
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